
neoconservative vs. neoliberal...

obama might very well be classified as a "neoliberal". he appears to be appointing leading neoliberals to key positions in his administration.

if you're a liberal, you might think this is great. instead of the neoconservatives who have been in power for the last 8 years...


in reality, neoliberalism is as dissimilar to true progressive liberal politics as neo-conservatism is to true conservative politics (if you don't know it, most leading neoconservatives are former followers of trotsky communism--not very conservative, huh?)...

there is only one party, which simply puts on different faces depending on which "branch" of the party is in power. if its the democratic branch, there is a slightly liberal social veneer to the mask: a little more funding for social programs, a little more nice guy talk, a little more of a laissez faire attitude towards gays and minorities, and a little more patient push towards military conquest and empire.

if its the republican branch, there's a little more tough guy talk, quicker moves towards military empire, a little more mention of religion, and a tad more centralization of power in the president.

but there is only a single face behind both masks: the face of raw corporatism, greed and yearning for power and empire.

until americans stop getting distracted by the republican versus democratic melodrama, america will move steadily forward towards war, empire and--inevitably as with any country which extends too far--collapse.

neoliberalism is neither "new" or liberal. neoconservativism is neither new or conservative. they are just new labels for a very old agenda: serving the powers-that-be, consolidating power, controlling resources. whether the iron fist has a velvet glove on it or not, it is still an iron fist.

a true opposition party is needed to counter the never-changing american agenda for military and corporate empire. //
neocons and neoliberals: two masks, one face, george washington's blog

...on war corporatism:

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